About ~ Policy & Procedures

The safety of children is paramount. In order to protect any child in my care I have a duty to:

All teachers will be CRB checked, first aid will be current, RAD membership renewed annually with all relevant insurances in place.

I operate an inclusive practice. Children and their families are welcomed and their opinions valued. I provide equal chances for each child to fulfill their potential taking into account each child's age, ability, ethnicity home language and preferences.

Students must be collected promptly at the end of the lesson. Should you wish for an undesignated person to collect your child please inform me in advance as this ensures the safety of your child whilst in my care.

Please ensure I am informed of any changes (e.g. contact numbers) immediately as it is extremely important that I am able to contact you at all times.

You may be assured that any information given to me regarding yourself and your family will be treated with the strictest of confidence.

I hope to have a good working relationship with you, but if you do have a complaint then please contact me at your earliest convenience to resolve the issue.