3 - 4 years: Pre-School
My classes follow learning outcomes of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Personal, Social & emotional development
- • Create positive relationships
- • Develop social skills
- • Respect for others
- • Develop concentration skills
- • Increase confidence and self esteem
- • Positive sense of themselves
- • Working as a team and learning to take turns
Communication & Language
- • Expressing themselves through imaginative role-play
- • Listening to others
Physical development
- • Develops coordination and muscle control
- • Improves flexibility
- • Works on core strength
- • Develops creative movement
- • Problem solving
- • Repetition
- • Exploring shapes
- • Counting musical beats and timing
5-6 Years: RAD Pre Primary & Primary
This age group follows the RAD syllabus, Pre Primary & Primary which incorporates all of the Pre School learning outcomes as well as achieving the following;
- • Articulate parts of the body
- • Demonstrate awareness of positions of the body
- • Perform with an awareness of space
- • Demonstrate control
- • Demonstrate coordination
- • Demonstrate elevation
- • Demonstrate use of appropriate movement dynamics
- • Respond to the elements of music
- • Perform expressively
- • Perform a sequence of simple steps to depict a story
7 years onwards: RAD Grades
Students study the RAD graded examinations in dance syllabus. Each grade consists of 3 dance disciplines, Ballet, Free Movement & Character
- • An increasing ability to demonstrate practical knowledge of the above disciplines with the appropriate technique, musicality and performance qualities
- • A graduated measure of attainment against specification
- • Increased self-confidence through the learning, memorising & performing of prescribed sequences of movement, studies and dances
- • Awareness & understanding of working with others
- • An appreciation through practical experience of three contrasting dance disciplines and their accompanying music